Supercharge Screen Readers with an Invisible Header Link!

Hidden "skip" buttons help screen reader users navigate quickly.

The Screen Reader Accessibility Problem By default, screen readers read from left to right, top to bottom. With my menu in the right sidebar, I had an accessibility problem. Since my main content came before my menu, how could I make it quick and easy for screen reader users to access my menu when they… Read More

FSE: Set the Default Template for Your Custom Post Type

Closed double door painted blue on the left and red on the right, in a cement wall with embedded orange-pink, gold, green and light blue painted bricks.

If you are using a block theme–one that uses full site editing (FSE)–and want to create a default template for your custom post type, this article can help. Relevant information for the newer FSE themes, such as Twenty Twenty-Three, is hard to find. I want to spare you the frustration I had weeding out obsolete… Read More